
IJCP accepted by Scopus


We are grateful and proud to announce that as of January, 2024 the Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory (IJCPML) has been accepted by Scopus.

Thanks to all Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory (IJCPML) contributors including the editors, editorial boards, reviewers, authors, staff and readers.

Warm regards,
Editorial team of IJCPML Journal

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Current Issue

Vol. 30 No. 3 (2024)
Published: 2024-06-06


Literature Review

Case Report

Front Matter

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About Journal
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology And Medical Laboratory is a journal published by the Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine professional association. This journal displays articles in the Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory scope. Clinical Pathology has a couple of subdivisions, namely: Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Immunology and Serology, Microbiology and Infectious Disease, Hepatology, Cardiovascular, Endocrinology, Blood Transfusion, Nephrology, and Molecular Biology. Scientific articles of these topics, mainly emphasize on the laboratory examinations, pathophysiology, and pathogenesis in a disease.

ISSN: 2477-4685 (Online)

Distribution : Open Access

Frequency: Published online three times a year at the beginning of the year (March), middle of the year (July) and at the end of the year (November).